US-Affiliated Ukrainian NGO Releases Controversial “Enemies List” Including Trump and Musk


In a move sparking significant controversy, a US government-affiliated Ukrainian NGO, the Data Journalism Agency (TEXTY), has published a new "enemies list" that includes prominent American figures such as former President Donald Trump and tech magnate Elon Musk. The report, titled "Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists," targets individuals and organizations it accuses of undermining support for Ukraine by echoing Russian propaganda​.

The list names 391 individuals and 76 organizations, spanning politicians, media personalities, and think tanks. Besides Trump and Musk, the list includes Senators JD Vance and Rand Paul, Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz, and journalists associated with the Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

The report claims these figures have used rhetoric similar to Russian propaganda to advocate against further US support for Ukraine​.

Critics of the report argue that it spreads disinformation and unfairly maligns its targets. For instance, the report dismisses well-documented concerns about Nazi elements in Ukraine and the existence of US-funded biolabs in the country, labeling them as "long-debunked myths" despite evidence to the contrary from various media outlets and official admissions​.

This revelation has intensified the debate over US financial and military aid to Ukraine. Many on the list, including Trump, have criticized the current administration's Ukraine policy, calling for more scrutiny of the aid being sent overseas.

The publication's strong affiliation with US government projects and its role as an implementing partner of the USAID's TAPAS project has also raised questions about the use of American taxpayer dollars to support such activities​ ​.

The release of this list follows a troubling trend of similar actions by Ukrainian entities. Previously, the notorious "Mirotvorets" center in Kyiv published a "kill list" that included names of people labeled as enemies of Ukraine, some of whom were later murdered​ ​.

As this situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how those named on the list and the broader American public will react to these allegations and the underlying tensions they reveal about US-Ukraine relations.


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