Texas Secessionists Collaborate with Five Other States, Leader Says


Texas secessionists are reportedly working with movements in five other states to explore the possibility of leaving the United States, according to a leader of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM). Daniel Miller, president of the TNM, announced this strategic partnership amid growing political polarization and dissatisfaction with federal governance.

The states involved remain unnamed, but the collaboration underscores a broader sentiment of discontent that has been simmering across parts of the country. This coalition seeks to build momentum for their cause, leveraging shared grievances over federal policies and perceived overreach.

Miller emphasized that the collaboration is in its early stages but noted significant interest from other states facing similar frustrations. “There is a growing recognition that the current federal system isn’t working for everyone,” Miller said in a recent interview​​.

The Texas secessionist movement, also known as TEXIT, has gained traction in recent years. In 2022, the Texas GOP added a plank to its platform calling for a referendum on secession, reflecting a notable shift from fringe discussions to a more mainstream political agenda. This platform addition came after several prominent Republican figures, including former state Senator Don Huffines and ex-Texas GOP Chair Allen West, participated in TNM events and expressed support for the movement​​.

Despite the enthusiasm among some Texans, the path to secession is fraught with legal and practical challenges. Constitutional scholars widely reject the notion that states have the right to unilaterally secede. The U.S. Supreme Court's 1869 decision in Texas v. White declared that states cannot secede from the union without mutual agreement​​.

Governor Greg Abbott has fueled the secessionist sentiment by frequently clashing with the federal government over issues like border security. Abbott has invoked the controversial "invasion" clause, claiming that Texas has the right to defend itself against what he describes as an uncontrolled influx of migrants, a move that has been met with significant legal and political pushback​​.

Moreover, critics argue that a secessionist move would be economically disastrous for Texas. Walter Buenger, a historian at the University of Texas at Austin, highlighted the historical context of Texas' brief period as an independent nation from 1836 to 1845. "It was a disaster," Buenger said, citing issues with taxation, defense, and foreign policy that plagued the Republic of Texas. He warned that a modern attempt at independence could face similar challenges​​.

Supporters of TEXIT, however, remain undeterred. At a recent TEXIT conference in Waco, participants expressed a strong desire to pursue independence, framing it as a divine mission to preserve Texas culture and autonomy. Former state Representative Kyle Biedermann, who introduced a bill for a secession referendum in 2021, pledged to refile his legislation if reelected, arguing that the debate over secession is necessary regardless of its immediate feasibility​​.



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