National Security at Risk: Former Officials Raise Alarm Over Open Border Policy


In an unprecedented move, a group of former national security experts and federal law enforcement officials have come together to issue a stark warning to Congress. Their concern is deeply rooted in the current administration’s border policies, which they believe are inviting potential terrorist attacks on American soil. The letter, dated January 17, outlines a scenario that could very well be the plot of a thriller novel, yet it is the chilling reality we face today.

The crux of their argument hinges on the nature of the threat itself, which they describe as both new and unfamiliar. Throughout its history, the United States has withstood wars, espionage, bombings, and riots, but never before has it faced an invasion of its homeland. Now, according to these seasoned professionals, such an invasion is unfolding before our eyes. They paint a picture of military-aged men from hostile nations and regions arriving in droves, their backgrounds, intentions, and allegiances shrouded in mystery.

Senator Ron Johnson amplified this message, bringing it to the forefront of public discourse. His concerns echo those of the former officials, who emphasize the gravity of the situation by likening it to a multi-division army of young single adult males from antagonistic territories infiltrating the nation. This influx, they argue, is not through traditional means of transport but rather by foot across a border that is perceived globally as unprotected and accessible.

The implications of this open border policy are far-reaching and potentially catastrophic. The officials draw parallels to the terror attacks in Israel on October 7th, suggesting that the United States could already be harboring sleeper cells composed of individuals who have exploited the porous border. The question they pose is a harrowing one: How would we even know?

The former officials’ message is clear: National security must not be compromised for political expediency. They accuse the Biden administration of prioritizing the power of the Democratic party over the safety and security of the American people. It’s a bold statement that underscores the severity of the threat they perceive.

As the mainstream media continues to lose the trust of the public, alternative voices and platforms are stepping up to fill the void, offering accurate and timely reporting. In the face of such dire warnings, it becomes imperative for citizens to stay informed and for lawmakers to take decisive action to safeguard the nation.

In conclusion, the letter from these former homeland security officials is a sobering reminder of the responsibilities that come with governing. It calls for a reassessment of priorities and a reaffirmation of the commitment to protect American lives above all else.

The open border policy, as it stands, is a gamble with the nation’s security—one that we cannot afford to take.