MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Biden’s Inner Circle Discusses Possible Exit from 2024 Race


Amid growing concerns about President Joe Biden's mental and physical health, Nicolle Wallace of MSNBC has revealed that discussions are occurring within Biden's inner circle about the possibility of him stepping down from the 2024 presidential race. These conversations underscore the increasing worries about Biden's ability to effectively lead the country if re-elected.

During a recent segment on her show, Wallace addressed the issue, emphasizing that Biden's team is actively considering whether he should continue his campaign. This follows a series of public gaffes and moments of confusion that have raised questions about the President’s cognitive state. For instance, in a recent live interview with Wallace, Biden awkwardly wandered off the set, mistaking the end of a segment for the conclusion of the interview​.

The incident was emblematic of broader concerns. Biden has struggled with maintaining clarity during public appearances, often resulting in incomplete or disjointed statements. His performance in the interview with Wallace, which was intended to be a straightforward discussion, instead highlighted his difficulties. As noted by Townhall, the interview was filled with softball questions and a lack of substantial challenge from Wallace, yet still ended awkwardly with Biden appearing confused about the proceedings​​.

This isn't the first time Biden's fitness for office has come under scrutiny. Critics have long pointed to various incidents that suggest a decline in his cognitive abilities. The Spectator highlighted another instance where Biden’s behavior during an interview seemed more akin to an elderly relative needing guidance than a sitting President confidently addressing the nation​.

Furthermore, Wallace herself has downplayed such incidents, arguing that the coverage of Biden has often been edited to misrepresent his abilities. She accused right-wing media of spreading misleading and selectively edited videos to cast doubt on Biden's fitness for office. Wallace asserted that these “cheap fakes” were part of a broader effort to undermine Biden by highlighting his vulnerabilities out of context​.

The internal discussions about Biden potentially dropping out are not just driven by his public missteps but also by strategic considerations within the Democratic Party. With the 2024 election approaching, there is a growing realization that a different candidate might be better positioned to secure victory against a likely strong Republican challenger.

As the Democratic National Committee weighs its options, the party must consider whether Biden’s continued candidacy serves its best interests. The decision will undoubtedly be influenced by ongoing assessments of his public performances and private deliberations among top Democrats.

In conclusion, the revelations from Nicolle Wallace suggest that Biden's inner circle is seriously contemplating the implications of his potential withdrawal from the 2024 race. The coming months will be crucial as the Democratic Party navigates these complex dynamics and prepares for a fiercely contested election.


  1. REALLY?
    We’ve all known Biden isn’t running the show!
    The Debate just confirmed our suspicions.
    No one deliberately destroys our country if they love it.
    And don’t tell me how many people were upset because they hate TRUMP; the haters are part of the problem. I didn’t like 0bama, but I didn’t hate him. HATRED is very unflattering on camera ~and it only degrades the Hater, not the hated.
    0bama is the one who divided our nation with hatred, first his anti-cop movement and then his racial divisions focused on time and again (when so many thought he would unite our country.)

    • You are absolutely correct. Obama hates America and always has. He is the one who is pulling the stings and running our government. There is no doubt in my mind. Biden was chosen as VP because Obama knew he would be a “useful tool” who would never oppose anything. I believe that Piglousey probably picked Joe. Biden is so dumb he doesn’t even know the decisions he has been “mouthing” are destroying America. Everything attributed to Joe are things that Obama wanted to do. Obama wanted to “fundamentally change the country” but he ran out of time. Then he wanted Clinton to finish that job. Trump interfered by winning in 2016. So Obama and Piglousey planned and orchestrated the 2020 political crime of the century.

  2. It has been Obama and Sorass pulling the strings on the puppet Biden since day 1 of the most worthless prez ever.
    As bad as Obama was before Biden. Adding Sorass running the WH with Obama leftover commies just made it bad as usual.


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