Disney’s Internal Documents Reveal Aggressive Promotion of Pride Events


Newly leaked internal documents from Disney have revealed the entertainment giant's extensive promotion of Pride events, raising concerns among conservatives about the company’s influence on young audiences. The documents, obtained by The Gateway Pundit, showcase Disney’s commitment to incorporating LGBTQ+ themes and activities into their programming and parks.

The documents outline Disney’s strategic efforts to integrate Pride events into every facet of their operations. This includes special theme park days, merchandise, and even LGBTQ+ storylines in their movies and TV shows. Conservative critics argue that this is a clear attempt to indoctrinate children with a particular social agenda, bypassing parental consent and guidance.

Among the most contentious revelations is Disney’s plan to expand its Pride celebrations throughout the year, rather than confining them to June. This includes hosting drag queen story hours at parks and featuring LGBTQ+ characters in lead roles across their media platforms. "Disney is no longer just entertaining our kids, they are actively shaping their values and beliefs," said one concerned parent.

The push for Pride promotion has also extended to Disney's internal policies. The documents reveal that employees are encouraged to participate in Pride events and are offered incentives for doing so. There are also training programs aimed at fostering a more inclusive workplace. Critics argue that this puts undue pressure on employees to conform to a particular ideology, potentially stifling free expression and dissenting opinions.

This aggressive promotion of Pride events has sparked a backlash from conservative groups who accuse Disney of overstepping its bounds. Organizations like the Family Research Council have called for a boycott of Disney, arguing that the company is prioritizing a political agenda over family-friendly entertainment. "Disney is betraying the trust of millions of families who rely on them for wholesome content," said a spokesperson.

Despite the criticism, Disney has defended its actions, stating that their initiatives reflect their commitment to diversity and inclusion. In a statement, Disney said, "We believe in creating a world where everyone feels they belong. Our Pride events and inclusive programming are part of this commitment." However, this has done little to quell the growing discontent among conservative audiences.

The impact of Disney's push for Pride events is also being felt financially. Reports indicate that attendance at some Disney parks has declined, and there are concerns about the long-term effects on the company’s brand. Parents who object to the promotion of LGBTQ+ themes are reconsidering their patronage, potentially leading to a significant loss of revenue.

Political figures have weighed in on the controversy, with some Republican lawmakers calling for greater scrutiny of Disney's influence on children. "Corporations like Disney need to be held accountable for their actions and the messages they send to our children," said one senator. There are also calls for legislation to ensure that parents have more control over the content their children are exposed to.

In the face of mounting opposition, Disney appears steadfast in its approach. The company's leadership remains committed to its vision of inclusivity, even as it faces criticism and potential economic repercussions. This ongoing battle over Disney's role in promoting social values highlights the broader cultural conflict within America, with both sides staunchly defending their positions.

As the debate continues, families across the nation are left to decide how they will respond to Disney’s actions. Whether through boycotts, vocal opposition, or support, the choices they make will undoubtedly shape the future of one of the world's most influential entertainment companies.


  1. Hitler said” you tell the people black is white long enough they will believe it”. The same thing the democrats and Disney is doing now. DO NOT SUPPORT DISNEY!! SUPPORT TRUMP!!!!!


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