Biden Digs In After Disastrous Debate: Refuses to Drop Out


In the aftermath of a widely criticized debate performance, President Joe Biden has made it clear that he has no intention of dropping out of the presidential race. Despite growing concerns about his age and cognitive abilities, Biden remains steadfast in his campaign efforts, signaling his determination to seek re-election.

Polls indicate that Biden's support among key demographics is waning. A recent Times/Siena poll found that young, Black, and Hispanic voters, who were crucial to his 2020 victory, are increasingly dissatisfied with his performance.

Many of these voters are now leaning towards former President Donald Trump, who has managed to maintain a strong base despite his own controversies​​.

The debate debacle has also intensified discussions within the Democratic Party about potential alternatives to Biden. Some party insiders are considering scenarios where Biden might complete the primary process and then withdraw, releasing his delegates to support another candidate at the national convention. This situation is unprecedented and could lead to significant upheaval at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago later this year​​.

In an attempt to mitigate the damage and reassure his supporters, Biden has accepted an invitation for a second debate with Trump, despite the risks involved. The Biden campaign has also agreed to a debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump's yet-to-be-named running mate, aiming to showcase the administration's strengths and address voter concerns directly​​.

Biden's campaign strategy appears to hinge on framing the election as a choice between stability and the perceived chaos of a second Trump term. However, with Trump gaining traction in swing states and among independent voters, Biden faces an uphill battle. Trump's campaign has capitalized on economic issues, which remain a top concern for voters.

Despite improvements in some economic indicators, many Americans still view the economy as poor, attributing their struggles to Biden's policies​​.

As the election approaches, both campaigns are likely to ramp up their efforts to sway undecided voters. The outcome of the upcoming debates could play a crucial role in determining the direction of the race. For now, Biden remains resolute, but the pressure from within his party and the electorate's shifting sentiments suggest that the road ahead will be anything but smooth.


  1. If the Dems really want Biden out, all they have to do (the “they” meaning Obama, is to instruct the cabinet to declare him unfit. All of those cabinet members will do it, for two reasons: 1. Because they want to continue on, and they will not be able to do so with Biden in the race. 2. Because the same folks who told Biden who to put in the cabinet will now tell the cabinet to put him out to pasture.


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