Biden Calls for Supreme Court Term Limits, Code of Conduct, and Limits on Presidential Immunity


President Joe Biden is proposing significant reforms to the U.S. Supreme Court, aiming to establish term limits for justices and implement a binding code of ethics. These proposed changes come amid increasing scrutiny and controversy surrounding the Court's recent decisions and the personal conduct of some justices.

Biden's proposals include a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Supreme Court justices, who currently serve lifetime appointments. This move is intended to introduce more regular turnover and ensure the Court reflects contemporary values and societal norms. The President's call for term limits is seen as a response to the perception that the current lifetime tenure allows justices to wield excessive influence without sufficient accountability.

Additionally, Biden is advocating for a mandatory code of conduct for Supreme Court justices. This comes after several scandals involving justices' potential conflicts of interest and ethical lapses. For instance, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have faced criticism for failing to recuse themselves from cases where they had personal connections, raising questions about the impartiality of the Court​​.

Another key aspect of Biden's reform package is the limitation of presidential immunity. This proposal seeks to curtail the broad protections currently afforded to sitting presidents, particularly in light of the Supreme Court's recent ruling that granted expansive immunity for official actions. Critics argue that this ruling effectively places the President above the law, a concern echoed by liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor in her dissent.

The timing of Biden's proposals coincides with a series of contentious rulings by the Supreme Court, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 and the decision on presidential immunity this term. These decisions have fueled public discontent and eroded trust in the judiciary. A Marquette University poll found that 61% of Americans disapprove of the Supreme Court's performance, reflecting widespread concern about its direction and decisions​.

Former President Donald Trump has already voiced strong opposition to Biden's proposals, framing them as an unconstitutional attack on the judiciary. Trump took to Truth Social to accuse Democrats of attempting to undermine the Supreme Court to influence upcoming elections and maintain their political power​.

Biden's proposed reforms are part of a broader effort to restore faith in the judicial system and ensure that it operates free from partisan influence and ethical breaches. The President has been working closely with constitutional scholars and lawmakers to finalize these plans and is expected to formally announce the initiative soon​.

The success of these reforms will depend on navigating the legislative process and overcoming significant political opposition. However, Biden's push for Supreme Court term limits, a code of conduct, and limits on presidential immunity marks a bold step toward addressing long-standing concerns about the highest court in the United States.


  1. WOW!!! What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander!!! Term limits for Congress!!! A Higher Level of Code of Conduct for Congress and the President!!!

    • restore the republic of We the People. After the idiots & illegals are removed, along with the socialist written laws since 1865, Amerika can go back to being America. yes sir, I HAVE A DREAM

  2. Tell BIDEN to go ROT in the “hot place” with the REST of his CRIMINAL cronies and POLICIES! . . . get his ACT straightened out FIRST.


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