Allegations of a ‘Palace Coup’ Within the Democratic Party Emerge


Speculations are rife about a potential 'palace coup' within the Democratic Party aimed at unseating President Joe Biden.

In recent weeks, prominent voices in conservative media have suggested that high-ranking Democrats might be orchestrating a clandestine effort to replace Biden with a more viable candidate for the 2024 election. This notion gained traction following a series of public gaffes by Biden, which critics argue were exploited by his party’s elites to undermine his leadership.

The term 'palace coup' refers to an internal power struggle where insiders seek to remove a sitting leader. In this case, commentators believe that a faction within the Democratic Party is maneuvering to sideline Biden. Ed Morrissey from HotAir posits that Biden's chaotic debate performance may have been a calculated move by party elites to highlight his vulnerabilities.

Supporting this view, Representative Dean Phillips of Minnesota, a Democratic presidential candidate, has openly criticized the party's direction under Biden. Phillips, who does not align with the progressive faction, entered the race convinced that Biden is too old and unpopular to secure a victory in the upcoming election. His assertion that the party is 'delusional' resonates with a growing number of Democrats who feel a leadership change is imperative.

Further adding to the intrigue, recent reports show that Democrats now represent nine out of the ten wealthiest congressional districts in the United States. This shift has sparked accusations of elitism, suggesting that the Democratic leadership is increasingly detached from the average American voter. This perception could be fueling the internal strife and calls for new leadership.

Morrissey speculates that the alleged coup is being led by powerful figures within the party who fear Biden’s inability to effectively counter the Republican nominee, likely Donald Trump. The scenario paints a picture of a Democratic Party in disarray, with various factions competing for influence as they prepare for a crucial election season.

Public perception of a divided Democratic Party could have significant ramifications for the upcoming elections. Voters seeking stability and unified leadership may be alienated by the ongoing power struggle. As the situation unfolds, the party's ability to coalesce around a strong candidate will be pivotal in determining its success against a formidable Republican opponent.

For now, the allegations of a palace coup remain speculative but underscore the tensions and challenges within the Democratic Party as it navigates a critical election year. The party's success will hinge on its ability to present a united front and appeal to a broad base of voters amidst these internal conflicts.


  1. Stalin, Lenin, Beria and Trotsky. That was the “revolution.” Trotsky was the brains of careful, strategic action, implementation and execution…to success. Stalin , Lenin, Beria merely wondered what was unfolding and what to do.
    Trotsky had the upper hand, was literally advancing all his ideas. Finally the other three literally turned on Trotsky, sidelined him and then deported his ideas and person from ever stepping in Russia again. This is how Communism (as 21st Century has seen)in the world has unfolded and been put into action. Boiler plate from 1917 to USA’s 2024 elections and beyond…all for destroying Western Capitalism…the most Freedom loving organization the world has ever known. Amen. Read A Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. God Bless the USA.


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