Tulsi Gabbard Confirms Federal Surveillance Following Criticism of Biden-Harris Administration


Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has confirmed that she was placed under federal surveillance after openly criticizing the Biden-Harris administration, sparking concerns about government overreach and the targeting of political dissenters. According to multiple whistleblowers, Gabbard was subjected to intense monitoring by the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) "Quiet Skies" program, which is typically used to track suspected terrorists.

The surveillance reportedly began in late July, shortly after Gabbard criticized the administration on national television. On July 23, she appeared on Fox News' The Ingraham Angle, where she condemned the administration's involvement in Ukraine, describing it as a "proxy war" with the potential to become another Afghanistan. The following day, federal air marshals and TSA personnel were allegedly assigned to monitor Gabbard’s movements on every flight she boarded, despite her not fitting the profile of a terrorist or a security threat​.

Gabbard’s placement on the watchlist under the Quiet Skies program has raised significant alarms. The program, designed to keep tabs on potential security risks, was reportedly weaponized against Gabbard due to her political views, according to whistleblowers from the Federal Air Marshal Service. These whistleblowers revealed that the former congresswoman was unaware of the surveillance, which included having federal air marshals and explosive detection teams tail her on every flight.

The TSA’s Quiet Skies program was originally intended to track travelers with ties to terrorism, but its use against a former member of Congress and vocal critic of the administration signals a troubling expansion of surveillance powers. The program operates largely in secret, with little oversight, and its targeting of Gabbard appears to be politically motivated. Whistleblowers have indicated that her monitoring began almost immediately after she publicly criticized President Biden and Vice President Harris, raising concerns about the use of federal resources to silence political opposition.

Gabbard, a former Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Army Reserve lieutenant colonel, has been a persistent critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly the influence of the military-industrial complex. Her departure from the Democratic Party in 2022 and her shift to an independent stance have only intensified her critiques, particularly against what she describes as "endless wars" that benefit the elite at the expense of ordinary Americans. Her surveillance by the TSA underlines the potential risks faced by those who challenge the status quo, especially in a political climate where dissent is increasingly being equated with disloyalty​.

The implications of Gabbard’s surveillance extend beyond her personal experience. It reflects a broader trend of government agencies being used to target and intimidate individuals based on their political beliefs. This has led to comparisons with authoritarian regimes, where state power is routinely used to suppress opposition. The weaponization of the Quiet Skies program is particularly concerning because it represents a shift from its original purpose of ensuring public safety to potentially being used as a tool of political repression.

Gabbard’s confirmation of her surveillance has prompted calls for greater transparency and accountability in how federal agencies operate, especially when it comes to the surveillance of U.S. citizens. Civil liberties advocates have warned that the Quiet Skies program could set a dangerous precedent, where individuals who are critical of the government or its policies could be unfairly targeted. This case highlights the urgent need for reform in how such programs are administered and the importance of safeguarding constitutional rights against government overreach.

As the revelations about Gabbard’s surveillance continue to unfold, they serve as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between national security and civil liberties—a balance that, in this case, appears to have been dangerously tilted in favor of the former.


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