Adam Schiff Pressures Biden to “Pass the Torch” if He Can’t Secure a Decisive Victory


In a recent interview with NBC's "Meet the Press," Democratic Representative Adam Schiff of California expressed significant doubts about President Joe Biden's ability to secure a resounding victory in the upcoming 2024 election. Schiff emphasized that Biden must either "win overwhelmingly" against former President Donald Trump or step aside to allow another candidate, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, to take the lead.

Schiff's comments come amid growing concerns within the Democratic Party about Biden's age and mental fitness. The president's recent interview with ABC News did little to alleviate these concerns, particularly after his performance in a recent debate, which many Democrats viewed as lackluster.

Schiff suggested that Biden should seek advice from people outside his immediate circle to make a decision that is in the best interest of the country​.

Highlighting Harris as a potential candidate, Schiff argued that she could win "overwhelmingly" against Trump, given her political acumen and the unique perspective she brings to the table. He noted that Biden's age remains a significant factor in his declining poll numbers, despite his administration's achievements. Schiff remarked, "Given Biden’s incredible record and given Trump’s terrible record he should be mopping the floor with Donald Trump. It should not be even close, and the reason it is close is the president’s age"​​.

The pressure on Biden to consider stepping down is not just coming from Schiff. A cohort of influential Democratic donors and business leaders have also urged Biden to "pass the torch." The Leadership Now Project, a group composed of prominent figures in the business community, recently released a statement advocating for Biden to make way for a new leader who could unify the party and present a stronger front against the Republicans​.

This sentiment is echoed by other Democrats who have voiced their concerns about Biden's viability as a candidate. The fear is that without a decisive victory, the party risks losing not only the presidency but also down-ballot races in the House and Senate. This would severely impact the party's legislative agenda and ability to govern effectively​.

As the election approaches, Biden faces mounting pressure to address these concerns and demonstrate his capability to lead the country for another term. Whether he chooses to continue his campaign or step aside will be a decision closely watched by both his supporters and detractors.

In the meantime, Schiff's public statements mark a significant moment in the Democratic primary landscape, potentially setting the stage for a more contentious nomination process if Biden does decide to run. The party's future direction hinges on these critical decisions as they gear up to face a formidable opponent in Trump.


  1. If dems really cared about the country, they would be using the 25th Amendment not pleading with power hungry joe and his administration. IMO.


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